Calibrating methods of rock treaxial testing apparatus 岩石三轴试验仪校验方法
Calibrating methods of measurement instrument of rock 岩石变形测试仪校验方法
Calibrating methods of sonic parameter measuring apparatus 岩石声波参数测试仪校验方法
Calibrating method of camera in opto - electronic system 船用光电系统中摄像机参数的标定方法
Density standard calibrating method 密度基准定度法
Application of the griddedparallelline calibrating method in tubing thread metrology “网格式平行线法”在螺纹参数测量中的应用
6 . the testing and calibrating method is studied and the testing result is analyzed 6 、进行了传感器的测试和标定技术研究,并对测试结果进行了分析和讨论。
And the calibrating method being used nowadays can not meet the specific needs , because the operation is complex , and the calibration precision is low 由于其工作环境特殊,现有的各种精密测角方法都不适用。目前采用的标定方法操作复杂,校准精度较低,不能满足要求。
In the height - calibrating method , after the calibration board is moved twice , the calibration matrix can be got from the relationship between the phase and the height of the calibration board 通过移动标定平面到两个不同位置,得到标定位置处的光栅图像,根据平面间的相位差和高度差得到高度标定矩阵。
Curves in actual production , such as hole diameter , bed thickness , mud invasion , shale content , electrofiltration potential , etc . are analyzed . correspondent calibrating methods are proposed 对影响自然电位曲线的各种因素井径层厚泥浆侵入泥质含量过滤电位等进行了分析,并对其影响因素提出了校正方法。